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Terve! Minä en puhu suomea. My name is Lars Aronsson and I live in Linköping, Sweden. Besides adding interwiki links and photos to the Finnish Wikipedia, I am also the founder and coordinator of Projekti Runeberg. Please see en:User:LA2 eller gå till sv:Användare:LA2.

November 9, 2007: Removing duplicate parameters from template calls.

October 26, 2007: Introduce malline:ISSN where it wasn't previously used.

October 15, 2007: This table shows the most commonly ISBNs, and the number of pages where they appear.

   146 ISBN 952-5446-11-5 - Kielitoimiston sanakirja (2004)
   131 ISBN 951-1-18892-5 - Etunimet (2005)
   129 ISBN 952-90-8324-6 - Karjalan tasavalta vuonna 1997
   117 ISBN 951-0-27817-3 - Iskelmän tähtitaivas (2004)
    96 ISBN 952-5418-07-3 - Merkittävien filosofien elämät ja opit (2003)
    96 ISBN 951-0-18515-9 - Alf Henrikson: Antiikin tarinoita
    93 ISBN 951-20-6455-3 - Mennander & Mennander, Leijonien tarina (2003)
    80 ISBN 951-0-29400-4 - Suuri etunimikirja (2004)
    78 ISBN 951-23-4094-1 - Rooman keisarit (2005)
    68 ISBN 0-14-010771-1 - The Complete Book of the Olympics (1988)
    63 ISBN 951-0-11900-8 - Yleisurheilu - Tuhat tähteä (1983)
    62 ISBN 3-7011-7144-0 - Lexikon der 14 000 Olympioniken (1983)
    59 ISBN 951-98673-1-7 - Urheilukunniamme puolustajat – Suomen olympiaedustajat 1906–2000 (2001)
    58 ISBN 951-98012-1-9 - BU – Samurain ammatti (1998)
    57 ISBN 0-8135-1198-4 - History of the Byzantine State (1969)
    54 ISBN 951-0-23564-4 - Suomen musiikin historia: Esittävä säveltaide (2002)
    54 ISBN 0-7858-1073-0 - Secrets of the Samurai , A Survey of the Martial Arts of Feudal Japan (1973)
    49 ISBN 951-95688-2-4 - Thulinista Hornetiin - 75 vuotta Suomen ilmavoimien lentokoneita (1992)
    48 ISBN 952-5329-19-4 -  Ihmeellinen maailma: Skeptikon tietosanakirja (2001)
    46 ISBN 0-8348-0351-8 - Modern Bujutsu & Budo (1974)
    45 ISBN 951-1-12001-8 - Otavan lintutieto – Maailman linnut (1992)
    45 ISBN 951-0-30859-5 - Nag Hammadin kätketty viisaus – gnostilaisia ja muita varhaiskristillisiä tekstejä (2005)
    45 ISBN 0-19-857505-X - Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (1985)
    43 ISBN 0-304-36373-1 - Warfare in the Seventeenth Century (2001)
    40 ISBN 951-31-1431-7 - Karjalan kirkkokummut (1999)

October 8, 2007: I operate LA2-bot.

September 8, 2007: I created malline:ISSN and started to introduce it where ISSNs are mentioned. I also fixed some broken ISBNs that I had located with my script m:user:LA2/Extraktor. If you want to continue, you can get a lot done just by downloading the latest database dump and grep through pages-articles.xml for places where ISSN or ISBN are mentioned.

July 9, 2006: In the last year, I have also become involved in a new project called en:OpenStreetMap. This is a separate organization from the Wikimedia Foundation, but actually does similar work in another area: Producing free content maps. As you might know, maps in Europe are copyrighted by the national landsurveys such as the U.K. en:Ordnance Survey, the Swedish sv:Lantmäteriverket or Finland's Maanmittauslaitos. This is a problem just like with proprietary operating systems or encyclopedias, and the solution is to build your own: Linux, Wikipedia, and OpenStreetMap. The latter works by driving around and collecting GPS track logs and then editing road maps based on these, so it is related to other GPS hobbies such as en:Wardriving or Geokätkentä (en:Geocaching). Within OSM, I've been working on adding roads for central Sweden. Norway and Denmark are coming along fine, but the project still needs contributors from Finland. Here is a primitive snapshot of the Open Street Map of Northern Europe in July 2006 (PDF, 1.3 MB). The blue lines are roads and as you can see, Finland is almost as blank as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. I hope you will help to translate this propaganda into Finnish and find your way to the mailing lists, wiki, and map editing functions of http://www.openstreetmap.org/

August 2005: At the Kahvihuone there is a lengthy discussion about Pieni tietosanakirja. Joonasl sends questions to Project Runeberg about its copyright status, and my answer is posted in the discussion [1]. My pragmatic stance, as described in this answer, is based on my previous experience with Swedish and Danish out-of-copyright encyclopedias. I'd be interested to learn if any additional experience or conclusions are gained in the Finnish Wikipedia community. Unfortunately I still don't understand Finnish.

February 2005: On February 15, I added photos to the article Tietosanakirja and between February 17 and 27 I scanned and OCRed Pieni Tietosanakirja in Projekti Runeberg. This digital facsimile of 3234 pages is the first work in the Finnish language that Project Runeberg publishes since 1996, when we published e-texts of Kalevala and Raamattu. (It is also the first ever that Project Runeberg publishes in UTF-8, allowing for letters like š and ž, which are missing in ISO-8859-1.) Friendly contributors to the Finnish Wikipedia helped to translate important phrases such as "otsikkosivu", "tyhjä" and "tämä on Projekti Runebergin digitaalinen näköispainos teoksesta ...". Still, some help is needed in writing a detailed "Esipuhe digitaaliseen painokseen" in addition to the English and Swedish prefaces. Already in the first week, a template {{pieni-tynkä}} and a category was created for import into the Finnish Wikipedia of article stubs from this public domain encyclopedia, and more than 80 such stubs were created. This is no replacement for writing good articles and is completely useless for modern topics, but for less common topics that have not changed lately, such as Heinrich Heine or Aaria, it can provide a baseline, a guarantee that a Wikipedia article doesn't have to be smaller than what is already available in "pieni".

I would also appreciate Finnish translations of these common phrases:

Här behöver vi din hjälp... -- Your help is needed here -- ???
wiktionary:half-title (faux-titre, Vortitel, occhietto) -- smutstitel -- ???
This is volume 1 of 7 -- Detta är band 1 av 7 -- ???
See our preface to the entire work -- Se vårt förord till hela verket -- ???

These are some that I use for banners and my e-mail .signature:

Free Nordic literature -- Fri nordisk litteratur -- Vapaa pohjoismainen kirjallisuus
Your digital library -- Ditt digitala bibliotek -- Digitaalinen kirjastosi
Your bookshelf on the web -- Din bokhylla på nätet --