Markus Kröger

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Markus Kröger on globaalin kehitystutkimusten professori valtiotieteellisessä tiedekunnassa Helsingin yliopistossa[1]. Kröger on Helsingin yliopiston Kestävyystieteen instituutti HELSUSin jäsen ja yksi The Global Extractivisms and Alternatives -tutkimusaloitteen (EXALT) perustajista.[2] Hän on kirjoittanut luonnonvarapolitiikasta, konflikteista, kansanliikkeistä ja näiden vaikutuksista, erityisesti kaivos-, metsä- ja maataloussektoreilla. Hän on myös poliittisen talouden, kehityksen ja globalisaation asiantuntija Latinalaisessa Amerikassa, Intiassa ja Arktisella alueella.

Valitut tieteelliset artikkelit

[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
  • Kröger, M. 2022, 'Socio-ecological crises and global climate tipping points as difficulties for expanding extractivisms: prognoses on the Arctic', Globalizations.
  • Nygren, A., Kröger, M. & Gills, B 2022, 'Global extractivisms and transformative alternatives', Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 734-759.
  • Komi, S. & Kröger, M. 2022, 'Predators in the web of life: World ecology of historical human–wolf relations in Finland', Journal of Agrarian Change.
  • González, NC. & Kröger, M. 2022, 'The adoption of earth-observation technologies for deforestation monitoring by Indigenous people: evidence from the Amazon', Globalizations.
  • Ollinaho, O., Pedlowski, M. & Kröger, M. 2022, 'Toxic turn in Brazilian agriculture? The political economy of pesticide legalisation in post-2016 Brazil', Third World Quarterly.
  • Kröger, M. 2021. 'Frontiers of Existence: Redefining Who Can Exist and How at Resource Frontiers',  Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 77-96.
  • Ollinaho, O. & Kröger, M. 2021, 'Agroforestry transitions: The good, the bad and the ugly', Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 82, pp. 210-221.
  • Kröger, M. & Ehrnström-Fuentes, M. 2021. Forestry Extractivism in Uruguay. In BM McKay, A Alonso-Fradejas & A Ezquerro-Cañete (eds), Agrarian Extractivism in Latin America. Routledge.
  • Kröger, M. 2021. Forests and current transitions. In AH Akram-Lodhi, K Dietz , B Engels & BM McKay (eds), Handbook of Critical Agrarian Studies . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 387–400.
  • Kröger, M. 2020. Natural Resources, Energy Politics, and Environmental Consequences. In Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Kröger, M. 2020. Politics of Extraction: Theories and New Concepts for Critical Analysis. In Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Gonzalez, N. & Kröger, M. 2020. 'The potential of Amazon indigenous agroforestry practices and ontologies for rethinking global forest governance', Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 118, 102257.
  • Kröger, M. 2020. ‘Deforestation, Cattle Capitalism and Neodevelopmentalism in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Brazil.’ Journal of Peasant Studies 47(3): 464–482.
  • Kröger, M., & Nygren, A, 2020. ‘Shifting Frontier Dynamics in Latin America.’ Journal of Agrarian Change 20(3): 364–386.
  • Kröger M. 2017. ‘Inter-sectoral Determinants of Forest Policy: The Power of Deforesting Actors in Post-2012 Brazil.’ Forest Policy and Economics 77: 24–32.
  • Ehrnström-Fuentes, M., & Kröger, M. 2017. ‘In the Shadows of Social Licence to Operate: Untold Investment Grievances in Latin America.’ Journal of Cleaner Production 141: 346–358.
  • Kröger, M., & Raitio, K. 2017. ‘Finnish Forest Policy in the Era of Bioeconomy: A pathway to sustainability?’ Forest policy and Economics 77: 6–15.
  • Kröger, M.' 2016. ‘Spatial Causalities in Resource Rushes: Notes from the Finnish Mining Boom.’ Journal of Agrarian Change 16(4): 543–570.
  • Kröger, M. 2016. ‘The Political Economy of ‘Flex Trees’: A Preliminary Analysis.’ Journal of Peasant Studies 43: 886–909.
  • Kröger, M., & Lalander, R. 2016. ‘Ethno-territorial Rights and the Resource Extraction Boom in Latin America: Do Constitutions Matter?’ Third World Quarterly 37(4): 682–702.
  • Kröger, M. 2014. ‘The Political Economy of Global Tree Plantation Expansion: A Review.’ Journal of Peasant Studies 41(2): 235–261.
  • Kröger, M. 2012. ‘Neo-mercantilist Capitalism and Post-2008 Cleavages in Economic Decision-making Power in Brazil.’ Third World Quarterly 33(5): 887–901.

Kokonainen lista julkaisuista

  1. Markus Kröger University of Helsinki. Viitattu 7.6.2021. (englanniksi)
  2. Markus Kröger – Associate Professor of Global Development Studies, University of Helsinki & Academy Research Fellow Viitattu 7.6.2021. (englanti)