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Vertailu siitä mitkä parametrit ovat missäkin Wikissä käytössä

Parametri Wikidata svwiki frwiki Selitys
item item entityId entity (required): Q + numeric ID
property propery property property (required) P + numeric ID of the property that the claims should have
qualifier qualifier qualifier qualifiers that the statement should have
withqualfier withqualfier qualifiers that the statement should have
withrank withrank rank rank rank of the statement ; 'preferred', 'normal', 'deprecated' or 'valid' (ie normal and preferred). By default = preferred.
sourceproperty sourceproperty sourceproperty items should have this property in the source
withsource withsource withsource the source that should be provided in the statement (if the sourceproperty parameter is not provided, the property used is p248)
excludespecial excludespecial excludespecial set to true if you do not want to get "novalue" and "somevalue".
numval numval numval if you want to set a maximum number of values to be returned
sorttype sorttype sorttype set to "chronological" to get the statements in chronological order using the alkamispäivä (P580), päättymispäivä (P582) and päivämäärä (P585) qualifiers. Set to "inverrted for chronological order. From a Lua module, you can also define your own sorting criteria.
showsource showsource showsource set to "true" if you want the source of the statement to be displayed.
lang lang lang for the desired language
targetvalue yes the value should of the statement should be this value (only works for item-type properties)
format yes displayformat the format in which the args should be returned. For example, for a string-type property displayformat = "weblink" returns a formatted weblink.
qualifdisplayformat qualifdisplayformat qualifiers display format. Same function as the parameter displayformat . When this parameter is left blank, qualifying use the parameter displayformat as the main value.
conjtype conjtype separator, conjunction conjtype the conjunction separating the statements. For example, conj = "<br />," will make a add a new line after each statement.
showqualifiers showqualifiers showqualifiers the qualifiers that should be shown along with the mainsnak value
label yes näkyvälinkkiteksti
pattern pattern urlpattern När man vill hämta en sträng och passa in den i ett mönster, exempelvis för att lägga in en kod av något slag istället för $1 i$1/.
avoidqualifier excludequalifier (?) skip if qualifier is found
nolink yes
nounitlink yes
noshortunit noshortunit showunit kirjoitetaan yksiköksi "kilometriä" pelkän "km" sijaan
sortbytime yes
sortingproperty yes
sortbyarbitrary yes
langpref yes I denna modul finns det ett filter som prioriterar claims som har qualifiern "språk = svenska". Ett värde på parameter langpref inaktiverar detta filter
noref yes Ange ett värde i denna parameter om du inte är intresserad av att ta med själva källhänvisningen, utan bara datan
versalisering yes ucfirst För att ange vilken versalisering utdatan ska ha. Tillåtna värden är: lc/uc/lcfirst/ucfirst
modifytime yes fixar med datumformat
modifyqualifiertime yes Som ovan, men påverkar bara qualifiers
withdate yes


lägger till (19 kesäkuu 2016) till det källbelagda värdet. Hämtas från Propertyn för tidpunkt. ---

Returns only values ​​with a date qualifier: P585 ( "Date") , P580 ( "start date") , P582 ( "End Date")

withintervall yes atDate svwiki: lägger till (19 kesäkuu 2016-26 kesäkuu 2016) till det källbelagda värdet. Hämtas från Propertyn för startdatum och Propertyn för slutdatum. --- frwiki

Excludes values ​​which qualifiers P580 ( "start date") or P582 ( "end date") indicate that it was not valid for the period indicated. atDate perhaps a date WikiBase format or ISO format. Values ​​without date are not excluded (it can be by using the function withdate )

raw yes är en parameter som kan användas från andra moduler. Den resulterar i att utdatan kommer i en tabell.
novalue yes En parameter som styr hur "novalue" på Wikidata ska presenteras här. Tomt värde ger 'nil' som resultat
somevalue yes Som "novalue" ovan
relevans yes Objekt som saknar en sitelink till svwiki inte kommer att inkluderas.
prefix yes Text läggs in före svaret
suffix yes Text läggs in efter svare
targetvalue targetvalue Retains only the statements or the value of the main snak corresponds to (one of) the stated values
excludevalues excludevalues Exclude statements which the principal value snak corresponds to (one of) the stated values
qualifiervalue The adjective used by the argument qualifier must have this value (or one of these values ​​if it is a table or a list of properties separated by commas
excludequalifiervalue excludequalifiervalue If this parameter is, excludequalifier is only activated when the value of the qualifier is in those he says.
withlink withlink Only returns values ​​that contain a link to the specified site. If the parameter value is simply true , the site will be used Wikipedia in French
condition condition To set a free function. If the function returns true , the statement will be kept
linkback linkback Add a trackback to Wikidata as a pencil " "
addcat addcat Met page in a follow-category (see Category: Page using data Wikidata ). The category name is the value of the parameter. If this value is simply true , the category is based on the setting property. Warning, this setting can be a source of bugs. For example, if the property is used in a URL or link.
removedupes removedupes When, after all layouts, two declarations are made in the same way, only one remains.
showdate showdate To display the date in parentheses small for each statement using the same qualifiers (WithDate). If no date is found, the value is displayed without any date.
linktopic linktopic Type of link to add dates (see Module: Date ). To put any link linktopic = -
precision precision Precision with which the dates are to be displayed. Possible values: day, month, year, Default: day
textformat textformat Display format time intervals, as defined by module: complex Date minimum display "1995" instead of "from 1995".
speciallabels speciallabels Tables of special values ​​to be used in place of Wikidata wording for the value of certain elements, such Module: Dictionary Wikidata / Trades .female
showlang showlang When the main value is a "monolingual text," his language code is displayed (used by Module: Official Website )
showonlyqualifier showonlyqualifier Qualifier same, but without returning only the value of the requested main property
link link Site to which must link the type of data item. Default: Wikidata French. If equal to "-", no link will be created.
defaultlink defaultlink When the site requested by the link parameter does not return link, a link appears in parentheses to the requested site. Default: Wikipedia in English or, if absent, Wikidata. The value "-" disables the setting.
defaultlinkquery defaultlinkquery = {property = 'P279'} the created link will match that provided by the element used in the property P279 ( "subclass") .
rounding rounding Number of significant digits to display in the amount datatype, after possible conversion (Default: depends on the accuracy indicated on Wikidata)
targetunit targetunit Unit in which the amount to be converted data type. The possible values ​​are visible in Module: Conversion / data , eg km or km2.
text text Text to display when the value creates an external link, that is to say for the string data with displayformat = "weblink" or the parameter urlpattern informed. Default: the original value of the statement. Used on Module: Official Website Module: arch bases .
novaluelabel novaluelabel Label to return when the value is of "NOVALUE". By default : "-".