
Käyttää Lua-kielellä ohjelmoitua moduulia: Moduuli:convert |
Enwkin en:template:convert sivulta tuotu malline jonka tarkoitus on toimia identtisesti englanninkielisen version kanssa lukuunottamatta lyhyiden yksiköiden käyttöä vakioasetuksena. Suomenkielelle kotoistettu versio on {{muunna}}.
→ 2 km (1,2 mi){{convert|7|mi|km}}
→ 7 mi (11 km)
Tuetut yksiköt
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]Lokalisointi
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]Lokalisointiohjeet löytyvät englanninkielisen Wikipedian sivulta template:Convert/Transwiki_guide/translate. Muokattavat sivut ovat:
- moduuli:convert/text (virheilmoitukset, luokat yms)
- en:Module:Convert/documentation/conversion_data/doc (yksiköt, sivu pitäsi kopioida fiwikiin ja kääntää. Tämän jälkeen ajetaan enwikistä löytyvä ohjelma Module:Convert/makeunits.
- Älä käännä parametrien nimiä tähän mallineeseen. Suomeksi lokalisoitu versio mallineesta on {{muunna}}.
Tähän liittyvät moduulit
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Template:Muunna
- Template:Convert (alkuperäinen en:Template:Convert)
- Module:Convert (alkuperäinen en:Module:Convert)
- Module:Convert/data (alkuperäinen en:Module:Convert/data)
- Module:Convert/extra (alkuperäinen en:Module:Convert/extra)
- Module:Convert/text (alkuperäinen en:Module:Convert/text) – Tämä on moduuleista ainoa jota kuuluu muokata.
- Module:Convert/wikidata (alkuperäinen en:Module:Convert/wikidata)
- Module:Convert/wikidata/data (alkuperäinen en:Module:Convert/wikidata/data)
- Module:ConvertNumeric (alkuperäinen en:Module:ConvertNumeric)
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]Convert voi hakea ja muuttaa suoraan Wikidatasta tulevia arvoja input
ja qid
Wikidata kohteet Cessna 208 (Q1056131) and kantama (P2073)
→ 1 500 mi (7 920 000 ft 0 in){{convert|input=P2073|qid=Q1056131|km|abbr=on}}
→ 1 500 mi (2 400 km){{convert|input=P2073|qid=Q1056131|km|abbr=on|disp=out}}
→ 2 400 km
Ominaisuutta on käytetty englanninkielisen Wikipedian tietolaatikossa template:Infobox Telescope.
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]Parameter | Value | Description | Note |
|abbr=in |
in | Use symbol for first (left-hand side) unit | Symbol ('abbreviation') |
|abbr=off |
off | Use name for all units | Symbol ('abbreviation') |
|abbr=none |
none | ||
|abbr=on |
on | Use symbol for all units | Symbol ('abbreviation') |
|abbr=out |
out | Use symbol for right-hand side unit (default) | Symbol ('abbreviation') |
|abbr=unit |
unit | Use symbol for all units when using scientific notation | Symbol ('abbreviation') |
|abbr=values |
values | Show only input and output numbers, not units | Parts only |
|abbr=~ |
~ | Shows both unit name and symbol | Symbol & name |
|adj=mid|… |
mid | User-specified text after the input unit; sets adj=on (adjective). Expects 1 unnamed parameter.
Word adding, adjective |
|adj=on |
on | Unit name is adjective (singular and hyphenated) | Grammar, adjective |
|adj=pre|… |
pre | User-specified text before input unit. Expects 1 unnamed parameter. | Word adding |
|adj=ri0 |
ri0 | Round input with precision 0 | Rounding and significant figures |
|adj=ri1 |
ri1 | Round input with precision 1 | Rounding and significant figures |
|adj=ri2 |
ri2 | Round input with precision 2 | Rounding and significant figures |
|adj=ri3 |
ri3 | Round input with precision 3 | Rounding and significant figures |
|comma=5 |
5 | Only use comma for thousands separator if 5 or more digits | Number format |
|comma=gaps |
gaps | Use gaps (space), not comma, for thousands separator | Number format |
|comma=off |
off | No thousands separator | Number format |
|disp=b |
b | Join input and output using " (...)" (default) | Join values |
|disp=sqbr |
sqbr | Join input and output using " [...]" | Join values |
|disp=br |
br | Join input and output using "<br/>" | Join values |
|disp=comma |
comma | Join input and output using ", " | Join values |
|disp=or |
or | Join input and output using " or " | Join values |
|disp=number |
number | Display output number only | Parts only |
|disp=output number only |
output number only | ||
|disp=out |
out | Display only output number and name/symbol | Parts only |
|disp=output only |
output only | ||
|disp=preunit|…[|…] |
preunit | Text to be inserted after value and before units, for both input and output, with optionally different text for output. Expects 1 or 2 unnamed parameters. | Word adding |
|disp=table |
table | Output is suitable for a table cell with align="right" | Table columns |
|disp=tablecen |
tablecen | Output is suitable for a table cell with align="center" | Table columns |
|disp=unit |
unit | Display input name/symbol only (not input number, not output) | Parts only |
|disp=unit2 |
unit2 | Display output name/symbol only (not input; not output number) | Parts only |
|disp=x|... |
x | Join input and output using user-specified text | Word adding |
|frac=N |
N | Show imperial number in fractions, denominator=N | Number format, fraction |
|lk=in |
in | Link left-hand side unit name or symbol | Unit link |
|lk=on |
on | Link all unit names or symbols (but not twice for the same unit) | Unit link |
|lk=out |
out | Link right-hand side unit name or symbol | Unit link |
|order=flip |
flip | Inverts order of input, output measurements (conversion first) | Order |
|input=P2048 |
P2048 | Reads and converts Wikidata property | Inside template |
|qid=Q1056131 |
Q1056131 | Reads Wikidata property from Wikidata item | Inside template |
|round=5 |
5 | Rounds calculation to the nearest multiple of 5 | Rounding and significant figures |
|round=25 |
25 | Rounds calculation to the nearest multiple of 25 | Rounding and significant figures |
|round=each |
each | In a range, each number is rounded by the default rounding | Rounding and significant figures |
|sigfig=N |
N | Round output number to N significant figures (N is a positive integer) | Rounding and significant figures |
|sortable=on |
on | Adds invisible sort key | Table sort |
|sp=us |
us | Use U.S. spelling ("meter" instead of default "metre") | Spelling U.S. names |
|spell=in |
in | Spell input number in words | Spelling numbers |
|spell=In |
In | Spell input number in words with first letter uppercase | Spelling numbers |
|spell=on |
on | Spell input and output numbers in words | Spelling numbers |
|spell=On |
On | Spell input and output numbers in words with first letter uppercase | Spelling numbers |
|$=€ |
€ | Replace $-sign with a currency sign, for example in $/acre (no currency conversion happens)
Cost per unit |
|debug=yes |
yes | Debugging only. In a sortable table: show the normally hidden sort key | Table sort |
Malline:!mxt |
flip | Deprecated. Use Malline:Mxt | Order |
Malline:!mxt |
Deprecated. Use Malline:Mxt | Plurals |
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Converts measurements to other units.
Parametri | Kuvaus | Tyyppi | Tila | |
value | 1 | the value to convert | Numero | pakollinen |
from unit | 2 | the unit for the provided 'value'
| Rivi | pakollinen |
to units | 3 | the unit to convert into
| Merkkijono | ehdotettu |
precision or suffix | 4 | significant digits after decimal dot or, if negative, exponent of ten | Numero | valinnainen |
link units | lk | “on” all, “in” input, “out” output or “off” no units
| Merkkijono | valinnainen |
abbreviation | abbr | display for the units: “on” unit symbols, “off” all unit names in full words, “in” input unit symbol, “out” abbreviated output units, “unit” both input and output units abbreviated when using scientific notation, “values” no units at all
| Merkkijono | valinnainen |
spelling | sp | “us” display U.S. spelling of unit names
| Merkkijono | valinnainen |
adjective | adj | adjectival form (singular unit name appended by hyphen) “on” or “mid” to put conversion at end
| Totuusarvo | valinnainen |
conversion | disp | display conversion result: “or” after ‘or’, “x” with custom prefix and suffix, “b” in parentheses, “table”/“tablecen”, “output only” alone, “output number only” alone and without unit, “unit” not at all but input unit; if the value is a number it is used as precision
| Merkkijono | valinnainen |
ordering | order | “flip” returns converted value first, input value second.
| Merkkijono | valinnainen |
significant figures | sigfig | number that sets the number of significant figures | Numero | valinnainen |
rounding output | round | “5” rounds the output number to nearest multiple of 5, “25” to nearest multiple of 25, “each” rounds each number in a range | Numero | valinnainen |
thousands separator | comma | Sets or suppresses thousand separator in the numbers. “off” = no separator; “gaps”: use space not comma; “5” and “gaps5”: only add separator when number > 5 positions (10,000 or more)
| Merkkijono | valinnainen |
sort key | sortable | “on” generates a hidden sort key
| Merkkijono | valinnainen |
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]Convert/doc/range separator list | |||
Separator | Convert | Result | Notes |
3–6 ft (0,91–1,83 m) | Input can be hyphen (-) or en dash (–), output uses en dash |
– – (en dash)
3–6 ft (0,91–1,83 m) | |
3 and 6 ft (0,91 and 1,83 m) | |
3 &[convert: unknown unit] | Same as and
3 and 6 ft (0,91–1,83 m) | |abbr=on abbreviates the first unit
3 and 6 ft (0,91–1,83 m) | |
3 or 6 ft (0,91 or 1,83 m) | |
3 to 6 ft (0,91 to 1,83 m) | |
3 to 6 ft (0,91–1,83 m) | |abbr=on abbreviates the first unit
3 to 6 ft (0,91–1,83 m) | |
to about
{{convert|3|to about|6|ft}}
3 to about 6 ft (0,91 to about 1,83 m) | |
3 ± 6 ft (0,91 ± 1,83 m) | |
± ±
3 ± 6 ft (0,91 ± 1,83 m) | |
3 + 6 ft (0,91 + 1,83 m) | |
3, 6 ft (0,91, 1,83 m) | |
, and
{{convert|3|, and|6|ft}}
3, and 6 ft (0,91, and 1,83 m) | |
, or
{{convert|3|, or|6|ft}}
3, or 6 ft (0,91, or 1,83 m) | |
3 by 6 ft (0,91 by 1,83 m) | |
3 ft × 6 ft (0,91 m × 1,83 m) | Scientific notation.|abbr=on abbreviates the first unit
× ×
3 ft × 6 ft (0,91 m × 1,83 m) | |
3 ft × 6 ft (0,91 m × 1,83 m) |
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]Nämä on kopioitu suoraan enwikin templaten ohjeesta
→ 1 lb (0,45 kg){{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=off}}
→ 1 pound (0,45 kilogram){{convert|1|lb|kg}}
→ 1 lb (0,45 kg){{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=on}}
→ 1 lb (0,45 kg)A {{convert|10|mi|km|adj=on}} distance
→ A 10 mi (16 km) distance.{{convert|10|mi|km}} to go
→ 10 mi (16 km) to go.
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]Examples of rounding | ||
Input | Displays as | Note |
{{convert|123|ft|m|-1}} |
123 ft (40 m) | |
{{convert|123|ft|m|0}} |
123 ft (37 m) | |
{{convert|123|ft|m|1}} |
123 ft (37,5 m) | |
{{convert|550|ft|m|0}} |
550 ft (168 m) | Approximate value is 167.64 m |
{{convert|550|ft|m}} |
550 ft (170 m) | Rounds to 170, when approximate value is 167.64 m |
{{convert|500|ft|m|0}} |
500 ft (152 m) | Approximate value is 152.4 m |
{{convert|500|ft|m}} |
500 ft (150 m) | Rounds to 150, when approximate value is 152.4 m |
→ 1 200 ft (365,8 m){{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=3}}
→ 1 200 ft (366 m){{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=2}}
→ 1 200 ft (370 m){{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=1}}
→ 1 200 ft (400 m){{convert|10|m|ft}}
→ 10 m (33 ft){{convert|10|m|ft|round=5}}
→ 10 m (35 ft){{convert|10|m|ft}}
→ 10 m (33 ft){{convert|10|m|ft|round=25}}
→ 10 m (25 ft){{convert|10|m|ft|sigfig=4}}
→ 10 m (32,81 ft){{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft}}
→ 10 m × 200 m × 3 000 m (33 ft × 656 ft × 9 843 ft){{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft|round=each}}
→ 10 m × 200 m × 3 000 m (33 ft × 660 ft × 9 800 ft){{convert|5.56|cm|in|frac=16}}
→ 5,56 cm (2+3⁄16 in){{convert|8|cm|in|frac=4}}
→ 8 cm (3+1⁄4 in){{convert|8|cm|in|frac=100}}
→ 8 cm (3+3⁄20 in){{convert|8|cm|in}}
→ 8 cm (3,150 in)
Useita yksiköitä
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]{{convert|10|C|F K}}
→ 10 °C (50 °F; 283 K){{convert|5|km|mi nmi}}
→ 5 km (3,1 mi; 2,7 nmi){{convert|6|by|12|ft|m}}
→ 6 by 12 ft (1,8 by 3,7 m){{convert|6|x|12|m|ft}}
→ 6 m × 12 m (20 ft × 39 ft){{convert|6|x|12|m|ft|abbr=on}}
→ 6 m × 12 m (20 ft × 39 ft){{convert|1|ft|3|in|x|3|ft|5|in|mm}}
→ 1 ft 3 in ([convert: unknown unit])*{{convert|1|ft|3|in|mm}}
→ 1 ft 3 in (380 mm)
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]{{convert|10|mi|m|spell=in}}
→ ten mi (16 000 m){{convert|10|mi|m|spell=on}}
→ ten mile (sixteen thousand metre){{convert|10|mi|m|spell=In}}
→ Ten mi (16 000 m){{convert|10|mi|m|spell=On}}
→ Ten mile (sixteen thousand metre){{convert|10|mi|m|spell=on|abbr=off|sp=us}}
→ ten mile (sixteen thousand meter){{convert|4|acre||adj=pre|planted}}
→ 4 planted acre (1,6 ha){{convert|4|acre||disp=preunit|planted }}
→ 4 planted acre (1,6 planted ha){{convert|4|acre||disp=preunit|planted |reforested-}}
→ 4 planted acre (1,6 reforested-ha){{convert|10|ft|m|adj=mid|-long}}
→ 10 ft-long (3,0 m){{convert|1|metre}}
→ 1 m (3 ft 3 in){{convert|2|metre}}
→ 2 m (6 ft 7 in){{convert|2|metre|abbr=on}}
→ 2 m (6 ft 7 in){{convert|100|foot|abbr=off}}
→ 100 foot (30 metre)
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- 12 Gm (1,2×1010 m)
- 12 μm (1,2×10−5 m)
→ 12 Gm (7 500 000 mi)Mm
: 12 Mm (7 500 mi)km
: 12 km (39 000 ft)mm
: 12 mm (0,47 in)μm
: 12 μm (0,012 mm)um
: 12 μm (0,012 mm) (letter "u" can be used for "μ" here){{convert|12000|mi|Mm|abbr=on}}
→ 12 000 mi (19 Mm){{convert|12|in|μm|abbr=on}}
→ 12 in (300 000 μm){{convert|12|μm|μin|abbr=on}}
→ 12 μm (470 μin){{convert|7|e6m}}
→ 7×10 6 m (23 000 000 ft){{convert|23,000,000|ft|e6m}}
→ [convert: invalid number]{{convert|12.3e-15|atm|atm|abbr=on}}
→ 12,3×10−15 atm (1,23×10−14 atm){{convert|0.00000005|atm|atm|abbr=on}}
→ 0,00000005 atm (5,0×10−8 atm){{convert|1/2|in|mm|1}}
→ 1⁄2 in (12,7 mm){{convert|1⁄2|in|mm|1}}
→ 1⁄2 in (12,7 mm){{convert|2+1⁄2|in|mm|1}}
→ 2+1⁄2 in (63,5 mm){{convert|-2-1⁄2|in|mm|1}}
→ −2+1⁄2 in (−63,5 mm){{convert|2-1⁄2|in|mm|1}}
→ 2–1⁄2 in (50,8–12,7 mm) Note: this is read as a range{{convert|-2+1⁄2|in|mm|1}}
→ [convert: invalid number] { Should be a number, not an expression (do not require a calculation){{convert|1//2|in|mm|1}}
→ 1/2 in (12,7 mm){{convert|2+1//2|in|mm|1}}
→ 2+1/2 in (63,5 mm){{convert|1234567|m|ft}}
→ 1 234 567 m (4 050 417 ft){{convert|1,234,567|m|ft}}
→ [convert: invalid number]{{convert|1 234 567|m|ft}}
→ [convert: invalid number]{{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=off}}
→ 1234567 m (4050417 ft){{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=gaps}}
→ 1234567 m (4050417 ft){{convert|1234567|m|ft}}
→ 1 234 567 m (4 050 417 ft){{convert|1234|m|ft|comma=5}}
→ 1234 m (4049 ft){{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=5}}
→ 1 234 567 m (4 050 417 ft){{convert|1234|m|ft|comma=gaps5}}
→ 1 234 m (4 049 ft)*{{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=gaps5}}
→ 1 234 567 m (4 050 417 ft)*{{convert|1234|m|ft}}
→ 1 234 m (4 049 ft){{convert|10|m|ft|disp=sqbr}}
→ 10 m [33 ft]{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=comma}}
→ 10 m, 33 ft{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=or}}
→ 10 m or 33 ft{{convert|10|m|ft}}
→ 10 m (33 ft){{convert|10|m|ft|disp=br}}
→ 10 m
33 ft{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=br()}}
→ 10 m
(33 ft){{convert|10|m|ft|disp=x|_MyText_}}
→ 10 m_MyText_33 ft—(To display spaces, use
→ 1 mile (1 609,3 metre){{convert|10|km|mi nmi|order=flip}}
→ 6,2137 mile; 5,3996 nautical mile (10 kilometre){{convert|10|km|nmi mi|order=flip}}
→ 5,3996 nautical mile; 6,2137 mile (10 kilometre)
Näytetään vain osa tuloksesta
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]Convert | Output | Description |
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3}} |
2 cu yd (1,5 m3) | Default behaviour, for comparison |
2 (1,5) | Input and output numbers |
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit}} |
cu yd | Input unit |
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit|adj=on}} |
cu yd | Input unit, adjective (hyphenated) |
{{convert|2|cuyd|cuyd|0|disp=out|abbr=off}} |
2 cubic yard | Input (workaround) |
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|abbr=~}} |
2 cubic yard [cu yd] (1,5 m3) | Input: both name and symbol |
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit2}} |
m3 | Output unit (symbol) |
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit2|abbr=off}} |
cubic metre | Output unit (name) |
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=number}} |
1,5 | Output value |
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=out}} |
1,5 m3 | Output value and unit |
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=out|abbr=off}} |
1,5 cubic metre | Output value and unit |
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]{{convert|2|kPa|psi|abbr=~}}
→ 2 kilopascal [kPa] (0,29 psi)A {{convert|2|kPa|psi|abbr=~|adj=on}} pressure
→ A 2-kilopascal [kPa] (0,29 psi) pressure{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=table}}
→ style="text-align:right;"|10
→ style="text-align:center;"|20
→ 1 000 kg/hl (100 lb/imp gal)A rise of {{convert|10|C-change|F-change K-change}}
→ A rise of 10 °C (18 °F; 10 K){{convert|1|yd|2|ft|3|in}}
→ 1 yd 2 ft 3 in (1,60 m){{convert|2|ft|3|in|cm}}
→ 2 ft 3 in (69 cm){{convert|1|lb|5|oz|g}}
→ 1 lb 5 oz (600 g){{convert|2|m|ftin}}
→ 2 m (6 ft 7 in){{convert|2|m|ft in}}
→ 2 m (6,6 ft; 79 in), using a space, returns the decimal point{{convert|2|m}}
→ 2 m (6 ft 7 in){{convert|10|$/mi|$/km}}
→ $10/mi ($6,2/km){{convert|10|$/mi|$/km|$=€}}
→ €10/mi (€6,2/km)