Keskustelu:Horo (Suntarin ulus)

Siirry navigaatioon Siirry hakuun

Kind time, I do not know the Finnish language, therefore I shall try to write by means of machine translation in English. Has noticed, that in clause about village Horo there was a reference to Finnish clause Horo. This other village which is being other area of Republic Sakha and even in pool of one river Vilyui. Under the legend these villages were based by the same people. Thanks for interest to my native Saha. Below I result a fragment from clause about Horo in Verchneviljujsky area:

Horo (Malline:Lang-ru) - village in Verchneviljijsky (Верхневилюйский) ulus (area) of Republic Sakha (Yakutia). It is located on left I protect the rivers Vilyuis, in 100 km to northwest from the city of Viljujsk. The name till 2003 (under the name of post office) - Булгунняхтах. History Under the legend the settlement was based with tribes хоринцев (presumably mongol the tribes rescueed oppressions of Yakuts from pool of Lena. For the first time in written sources it is mentioned in connection with connection of Yakutia to Russian empire. In 1634 on a place of a confluence of small river Tjuken in the river Vilyui Russian (Mangazejan) cossacks under leadership of Voin Shahov have put Fortress (зимовье) which some decades served as an administrative centre, before its transferring to district Yolyonnyoh on 45 km below on current of Vilyui and the basis of jail Olensk (according to some information approximately in 1773). This jail nowadays is considered the ancestor of the modern city of Viljujsk.

Николай Павлов, Якутск, ru:Участник:HalanTul