Keskustelu:Kévin Borlée

(Ohjattu sivulta Keskustelu:Kevin Borlée)
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Kévin Borlée

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Siirretty sivulta Keskustelu käyttäjästä:Enzino

Hi! About Kévin Borlée: How do you explain that in the Borlées' own web page [1] Kévin's first name is written with the accent (look at that text, not the title of the page). --Lax 4. elokuuta 2010 kello 16.05 (EEST)[vastaa]

I do explain that it is an error. Kevin is officially registered in Belgian "état civil" as Kevin, without any accent. In French, Kevin could also be written Kévin, but in this case, it is a mistake (look EAA site).--Enzino 4. elokuuta 2010 kello 16.17 (EEST)[vastaa]
I am not familiar with the French language but I don't trust EAA pages in any cases if I have other information channels. For example, they still haven't corrected the results of the European Championships 1978 after the doping cases that were published at the same year. And they have been informed about those mistakes by the sports statisticians many times. I rely more on the person's own pages than on some big organization, and, by the way, I can find only English EAA pages (is there a French version?), so why trust the English in the question of a French name? In Borlées' own web page the name is systematically written with the accent so I find it hard to believe that it would be a mistake. --Lax 4. elokuuta 2010 kello 16.33 (EEST)[vastaa]
It is. I am also a statistician (ATFS member since 1980) and I have seen the official passport of Kevin Borlée. I do not know the reason of Kévin in in own site: error or "francisation" (when you speak French in Belgium, sometimes you have to insist on the fact that you are not Flemish). Kiitos.Of course, even EAA makes mistakes on names and results, but their main database is Tilastopaja, a Finnish friend.--Enzino 4. elokuuta 2010 kello 17.02 (EEST)[vastaa]
Looking closer to the site, I also noticed that it is very poorly written: "Kévin a aisèment remporté sa série en 45.32" contains at least two main errors : aisément and 45 s 32 are the correct writings in French.--Enzino 4. elokuuta 2010 kello 17.06 (EEST)[vastaa]
OK, I'm convinced and I let it be this way. By the way, it was Mirko Jalava from Tilastopaja who I spoke with about the problems of the EAA pages, so the EAA results didn't come from Tilastopaja, at least at that time, year or two years ago. --Lax 4. elokuuta 2010 kello 17.18 (EEST)[vastaa]

Tämä vekslaaja on näköjään vaihtanut nimimerkkiään. Ei ole ensimmäinen kerta kun tämä käyttäjä siirtelee edestakaisin sivuja. Ensin toiselle nimelle ja muutaman vuoden päästä takaisin.--MAQuire (keskustelu) 21. elokuuta 2022 kello 17.38 (EEST)[vastaa]